🔥 当社AIが選択した株式戦略、テクノロジー大手、は5月までに+7.1%の上昇。株式がブームなうちに行動を起こしましょう。40%割引で開始

株式会社カネカ (4118)

通貨 JPY

4118 口コミ

Hello, The kaneka company has launched an offer for the total purchase of the Spanish company of probiotics AB-Biotics, and in Japan it has not issued any relevant event, nor press release. Why do you hide this in Japan?  A year ago when Kaneka bought the first shares of AB-Biotics issued two different press releases. One in Japanese, with the projects he wanted to do and his international commercial expansion. And another press release in English, which was the one that came to Spain omitting the most important, and saying that they had only reached a commercial agreement for Kaneka to sell Ab-Biotics products in Europe and North America for 7 years. The offer of Kaneka to buy the Spanish company, is published in the stock exchange Spain, in English. https://www.bolsasymercados.es/mab/documentos/HechosRelev/2019/07/09659_HRelev_20190710.p
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